The Mary Alice Shipp
Community Development Corporation (MASCDC)

The Mary Alice Shipp Community Development Corporation is a Georgia nonprofit organization started in 2009, our mission is to improve the quality of life for low to moderate income families through informational activities, education, crime prevention and housing resources.
MASCDC general areas of development includes: (1) volunteering in the community for different agencies, (2) Responding to the community’s needs and goals, (3) increasing citizen participation (4) re-routing teen drop-outs to viable programs to receive a high school Diploma or GED (5)providing assistance to youth in the area of entrepreneurship (6) assisting with re-entry and (7) providing senior citizens with computer training and cell phone classes.
MASCDC general areas of development includes: (1) volunteering in the community for different agencies, (2) Responding to the community’s needs and goals, (3) increasing citizen participation (4) re-routing teen drop-outs to viable programs to receive a high school Diploma or GED (5)providing assistance to youth in the area of entrepreneurship (6) assisting with re-entry and (7) providing senior citizens with computer training and cell phone classes.